Top Of The Week

The Difference Between a Gardener and Landscaper

Gardening and landscaping are two distinct activities that involve design, planning, and maintenance. Gardening is...

The Ultimate Guide to Planting Trees for Landscaping

When it comes to landscaping, trees are an essential element. Not only do they provide framing and background, but they...

How to Maximize Profit Margin in the Landscaping Business

The landscape industry is a highly competitive business, and even small impacts to the profit margin can make a big...

Can Landscaping be Considered a Business Expense?

The reason why landscaping is considered a business expense is simple: it is part of keeping the house, which functions...

What Does a Professional Gardener Look Like?

Horticulturists are professional gardeners with an academic degree in horticulture, gardening, and land management. They...

A Comprehensive Guide to Landscaping: The Design and Construction Process

Landscaping is a process that involves research, collection of ideas, and planning. It is essential to creating a...

Recent Post

Landscaping in Winter: Tips and Tricks for a Successful Season

Winter can be a great time to get your landscaping projects done. Even though temperatures may be cooler and the days...

How Landscaping Can Increase Your Property Value

Custom garden beds can be a great way to increase the value of your home if you are thinking of selling it. According to...

Creating a Stunning Landscape Around Your Pool

Creating a stunning landscape around your pool is an essential part of the pool-owning experience. From ornamental...

Landscaping Basics: A Comprehensive Guide for DIY Enthusiasts

Unity and balance are two of the most important principles of landscaping. Unity is achieved through repetition and...

Landscaping Solutions for Grassless Areas

Are you looking for landscaping solutions for areas where grass won't grow? You're not alone. Many homeowners face this...

Do Landscaping Services Attract Tax?

Are landscaping services taxable? This is a question that many property owners and landscapers have. The answer is yes,...

Are LED Landscape Lights Worth It?

LED landscape lighting is a great way to add beauty and value to your home. Although they may be more expensive to buy...

The Difference Between Landscape and Landscaping Explained

The English word modern landscape borrows from Dutch and refers to a visual image of outdoor spaces. Landscaping,...